# Example Plugin An example Neovim plugin that displays and allows you to update a todo list. ## Installation 1. Example Plugin requires that you have [SQLite 3](https://www.sqlite.org/index.html) installed on your system. On Linux, you can generally install SQLite 3 using your distribution's package manager. On macOS, you can install it via [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/). And on Windows, use the link above to locate a download for SQLite. 1. Use your favorite Vim or Neovim plugin manager to add Example Plugin. With [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug), just add this line to your plugin configuration: `Plug 'example-user/example-plugin'`. ## Usage Example Plugin allows you to view and update a list of todo tasks. You can use these commands to interact with the tasks: - `FetchTodos` shows your current todo tasks. - `InsertTodo` lets you add a new task, prompting you for its description. - `CompleteTodo` lets you mark a task completed by selecting the task from a list. You may want to map these to key bindings for easy access. Here are some example key bindings you can add to your Neovim configuration file: nnoremap zf :FetchTodos nnoremap zi :InsertTodo nnoremap zc :CompleteTodo By default, the leader key is `\`, so this would let you access the functions by pressing **\** followed by **Z** followed by one other key.